23 August 2019 UPDATES
We are pleased to announce the advisory board members of the Transdisciplinary Research on Incivility in STEM Contexts workshop. They are:
- Jodi Byrd (University of Illinois)
- Lilia Cortina (University of Michigan)
- Krystal D’Costa (Accenture Interactive)
- Rochelle Gutierrez (University of Illinois)
- Patricia Jones (University of Illinois)
- David Karp (University of San Diego)
- Mikhail Lyubansky (University of Illinois)
- Vicki Magley (University of Connecticut)
We are also pleased to share a preliminary schedule:
Thursday October 17
- 8am Registration and Coffee
- 8am Assigned small groups, “What is your working definition of incivility?”
- 9am Welcome, description of goals, small group work on guiding questions of the workshop
- 10am First panel and Q&A, “Defining incivility”
- 11:30am Break
- 12pm Working lunch, group discussions reflecting on small groups and panel, what are different levels of analysis
- 1pm Two simultaneous sessions, organized by registrants
- 2pm Second panel and Q&A, “Power and incivility”
- 3:30pm Break
- 4pm Two simultaneous sessions, organized by registrants
- 5:30pm Heavy apps (or dinner if there is room in the budget)
Friday October 18
- 8am Debrief on day 1, introduction to day 2
- 9:00am Third panel and Q&A, “Truth and incivility”
- 10:30am Break
- 11:00am Fourth panel and Q&A, “Incivility consequences”
- 12:30pm Working lunch
- 1:30pm Break
- 2:00pm Debrief exercise on day 2, small groups on paths forward
- 3:00pm Report out from breakout groups
- 3:30pm Adjourn
7 August 2019 SAVE THE DATE
“Transdisciplinary Research on Incivility in STEM Contexts”
Thursday October 17 & Friday October 18 2019
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science & Technology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This workshop will offer a mix of expert panels and registrant-organized small group sessions and is advised by a transdisciplinary board of nationally recognized academics, professionals, and practitioners. We will offer some registration, travel, and lodging support to promote inclusion of underrepresented minority, junior, and/or regional and community college scholars. We will also create an open Slack workspace for the purpose of creating transparent and open opportunities for creating sessions and forging community.
Here is the public abstract of the NSF award.
Please watch this space for updates, including:
- Registration information
- Hotel blocks
- A Slack workspace
- Schedule and opportunities to contribute sessions
Email Kate Clancy with any questions, and and please email Patty Jones to join the Incivility Workshop Listserv to receive updates.