A few announcements today! Registration is chugging along – if you haven’t registered yet you should. I also want to direct you to some information about hotels and travel. The weekend of our workshop is Homecoming – hotels are filling so you need to book yours now!
1) Spotlight on our diversity award.
One of the things I’m proudest of is that we are able to reimburse up to $500 of travel and lodging costs to any registrant identifying as underrepresented, or coming from a small regional or community college. Please note that there is nothing you need to do to “prove” your identity – just check the box on the registration if you identify in this way. I’m batch emailing folks every few days who do so to get you set up with Beckman’s front office so that reimbursement happens as swiftly as possible.
You also do not need to identify as a scholar or faculty to identify! Students, trainees, administrators, practitioners, and other staff absolutely qualify. Take us up on this! I know we won’t regret it!
2) Scholars in the news.
I wanted to share with you all a talk Dr. Nicole Cooke just gave on “Defeating the Bullies and Trolls in the Library” at an Inclusive Excellence research symposium. Dr. Cooke is a friend and colleague and her perspective was crucial in the formation of this workshop. She is unable to attend, but, as she says, “this is the talk I would have given if I could join you.” Her talk starts at about four minutes in after a lovely introduction.
3) Slack workspace and bottom-up sessions.
While we have organized four panels and one experiential session for this workshop, we’ve already created two one-hour spaces for four additional sessions. We’d like these sessions to be on topics that registrants care about and organize themselves. One of the ways we are initiating this conversation is through our Slack workspace – don’t forget to join via this link. Then check out #session-organizing to see the prompts I’ve shared and provide your own ideas! Also be sure to check out #travel-plans if you want to coordinate driving from nearby universities, or taxi/Lyft or meal-sharing.